More madness from Germany as a new vinyl single from the determinedly offbeat The Dad Horse Experience makes it over to Bluesbunny Towers. There should be a notice somewhere about the dangers of one man and a banjo and all the evidence you need is here on these two songs.
"Lord Must Fix My Soul"- in all its banjo driven psychosis - starts off with a stabbing before a dog gets turned into chop suey and, as you might guess, if there was a queue for bands needing redemption then The Dad Horse Experience would have jumped right to the front. Seekers of the deranged need look no further.
"Find My Body Down" goes even further off the main road with a bizarre tale of love, lust, redemption (again) and plane crashes. Pan fried body parts, angels, blood and kerosene are all in there somewhere making this something of an arthouse disaster movie in song. It's enough to make you question your sanity. Now that I think of it, I don't have any sanity left. I also appear to be singing along to this one. Oops!
Available on a limited edition vinyl release from Off Label Records.