Album, Single and EP Reviews



  When You Left Me b/w You Stared At the Bottom by Jacob Yates and the Pearly Gates Lock Pickers

When You Left Me b/w You Stared At the Bottom cover art

Artist: Jacob Yates and the Pearly Gates Lock Pickers
Title: When You Left Me b/w You Stared At the Bottom
Catalogue Number: Lucky Number Nine LNN017
Review Format:
Release Year: 2010

Another Glasgow band. Another legend no one has heard of. Once again, a sense of mystery pervades the PR blurb. Is it only Glasgow bands that think that they will achieve success by hiding evidence of their existence?

Onwards to the music. "When You Left Me" would have made a good country song. There's a dry sense of humour on display and the lyrics squeeze in brown sauce and oxygen deprivation. Even the laconic vocals reek like the ruptured fuel lines on a pickup truck but the song itself just stumbles about aimlessly until it finally falls over.

"You Stared At The Bottom" likewise lacks a sense of purpose. It sets out to be a shambolic, rough and raw rock 'n' roll tour around the freak show in the streets of Glasgow. You shouldn't be able to go wrong with that premise but this song trips up and falls flat on its face. Maybe the song is a lot funnier when you have a serious drink in you? Maybe not.

Come to think of it, I can now see why a band would hide their identity…
Review Date: April 25 2010