Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Pascal EP by The Scottish Enlightenment

Pascal EP cover art

Artist: The Scottish Enlightenment
Title: Pascal EP
Catalogue Number: Armellodie ARM12CD
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2010

One of the joys of coming from an area of urban deprivation is that you have no knowledge of things like Scottish Enlightenment. Not only is it the name of a band but it was also the name given to the period in time when Scotland was at its creative and intellectual peak. Don't worry, you didn't miss it as it was actually way back in the 18th century.

The Scottish Enlightenment - the band - are, unsurprisingly, a serious bunch. No flighty songs or even a sing-along chorus here. If you characterise your average pop song as a trashy holiday novel then the songs here are a textbook on economic theory. Undeniable intelligence is here throughout and you could no doubt drown in the deeper meaning but five songs is quite a lot of unrelenting navel gazing to take at one go (not helped by the flat, murky sound either). It's a safe bet that no one in the intended audience for this type of music could bypass the immobiliser on a Subaru. In a car park in Kircaldy. At night.

In summary, this EP is an intense collection of moody songs that should find particular favour with those who seek meaning while stroking their goatee beards. However, bonus points were awarded for the PR blurb that contained the phrase "…spread up and down the east coast of Scotland like Marmite". Nearly dropped ma greasy pie on the laptop when I read that!
Review Date: April 25 2010