Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Fear The Fives EP by Fear The Fives

Fear The Fives EP cover art

Artist: Fear The Fives
Title: Fear The Fives EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Tick tock, time is a passing. The days seem to pass slowly as I wait the extinction of the indie rock dinosaur and the return of imagination and style to music but the signs are there. A breath of fresh air from Foxgang, a splash of hope from Punch and the Apostles and now a refreshing slap in the face (!) from four fine gentlemen going by the name of Fear the Fives. To the future!

Might as well start with a contender for a drinking song. Drinking songs are always welcome here and "Balkan Ekspres" would make a good one, throwing Coldplay levels of pomp on to a table full of drunken guys and their tales of sorrow.

Onwards, and with a mighty swagger and not a drop of drink spilled, "Devil's Tongue" bursts out of the speakers to swathe us in more decadent cabaret and campfire psychosis. Consumed by gypsy influences, Fear the Fives bring back the passion missing for so long from music. As for the Bowie does Brel "No Hurry Home", it just reeks of the cigarettes and cheap rum in a dockside bar - saying "I'm doing alright" to yourself when you're not.

As those old American Express adverts used to say "That'll do nicely, sir".
Review Date: April 25 2010