Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Songs from the Great Atlantic Ocean by The Ballachulish Hellhounds

Songs from the Great Atlantic Ocean cover art

Artist: The Ballachulish Hellhounds
Title: Songs from the Great Atlantic Ocean
Catalogue Number: Big Rock Candy Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

There's a saying in this part of the world - don't put all your kebabs in one basket for you are bound to lose them all on the way home from the pub. That (sort of) takes me on to what music you might want to listen to when you get home from the pub. Let's make it interesting and suppose that you have spent the entire day in the pub too. The Ballachulish Hellhounds start to sound like the perfect match for late night/early morning sentimentality.

"Songs from the Great Atlantic Ocean" is the first album from this disreputable trio who hail from various parts of dear old Scotland. However, the music contained therein owes more to the bluegrass homeland of the good old USA than it does to the hills and glens of this country. Decorating a batch of traditional songs like "Shady Grove" and "Going Back to the Blue Ridge Mountains" with some complementary new tunes (especially the delicate and moving instrumental "From Glencoe to Virginia") makes for a consistently good natured listening experience that is a perfect cocktail when mixed with the remnants of strong drink.

 All in all, a promising debut from a band that remain true to their musical inspiration and one thing is for sure - they certainly don't lack charm.
Review Date: May 9 2010