Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Think of Me by Jo Hamilton

Think of Me cover art

Artist: Jo Hamilton
Title: Think of Me
Catalogue Number: Poseidon Music
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

I like press releases. They tell me things like "Jo Hamilton is an enigma". I'm not sure how she came to be an enigma but one thing that is for sure is that the lady can capture your heart with her voice.

On "Think of Me" Jo Hamilton gives an entrancing performance. Her voice is sophisticated. Her phrasing is perfect in the way that a jazz singer's would be. I'd say a comparison with Cassandra Wilson would be appropriate but Ms Hamilton adds a tastefully wrapped portion of the ethereal to her performance. It's like having the back of you neck licked.

Classy and moving, this is certainly a song that works for me. Really rather beautiful, in fact.
Review Date: May 10 2010