Album, Single and EP Reviews



  E-Mails & Killer Wails by Chris McAlister Band

E-Mails & Killer Wails cover art

Artist: Chris McAlister Band
Title: E-Mails & Killer Wails
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

The first song here is called "Charity". The bio for the Chris McAlister Band says that the entire album was recorded in free studio time and that the album has been made available as a free download. Very public spirited, but would it actually be worth paying for?

That is indeed the question with a veritable curate's egg of an answer. "E-Mails & Killer Wails" is by no means a bad album and there are a fair number of memorable songs (the aforementioned "Charity" and "Days") and Mr McAlister has a commendably straightforward, even earnest, approach to his vocals. The trouble, though, is that the end result still sounds like a singer songwriter that has drafted in some other musicians to make an album. There's no real contribution from any other members of the band to any of the songs and the resulting lack of adventure, fire and perhaps team spirit is what drags the album straight back down into the average category.

"E-Mails & Killer Wails" is, therefore, a pretty fair example of what a young male mainstream English singer songwriter gets up to musically these days. At least it is not going to cost you anything to check out this one out for yourself.

Available as a free download.
Review Date: May 12 2010