Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Three Card Trick EP by Three Card Trick

Three Card Trick EP cover art

Artist: Three Card Trick
Title: Three Card Trick EP
Catalogue Number: Launchpad Recordings
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

There comes a time when all a man needs is a band, a beer and a woman with stupendously low morals (better change the subject fast…). There comes a time when all a reviewer needs is to hear a band that can actually play. There comes a time when all a reviewer needs is a band that sounds like they actually want to play. Play all night long at that.

You get that feeling as you listen to this EP. Recorded live in the studio, this release just sounds fresh. In a musical arena dominated by fashion and self importance, Three Card Trick - Gary Johnstone, Neil MacDougall and Steven Adamson - are the solution to the staleness that so often affects bands that are dedicated followers of fashion. Not that this is a band pushing off into avant-garde territory for these songs are little more than standard blues-rock but it's been a while since I've heard a performance as focussed and enjoyable as this.  Mr Johnstone's reputation as a guitar player is confirmed here. Again, he's never really flashy but he knows exactly where to put those notes. "It's Never Gonna Work", for example, is about as near a conventional modern day blues song as you might get - think of all those early Alligator releases as valid comparisons - but it is so well executed that you can't stop your feet from tapping along.

In simple terms, this EP works. The musicianship is first class and the band track a feelgood groove with unerring accuracy. Sometimes simple is good and these five songs are the proof. I think catching them live is now something of a necessity.
Review Date: May 20 2010