Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Phase 1 Compilation by Various Artists

Phase 1 Compilation cover art

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Phase 1 Compilation
Catalogue Number: Tear It Down Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

As part of a project by the students at Cumbernauld College, Tear It Down Records has released this compilation. Like all such compilations, it is too diverse to appeal to everyone so let's hit the tracks one by one.

"Say You Don't" by You Feat. Me kicks thing off with a slice of generic, maxed out, pumped up indie rock seasoned with a bit of the old Weezer.  Taking much the same approach are Soundtrack to a Blockbuster with "If I Were You" only without the Weezer bit. Music by numbers, in other words. Then we get The Red Lights with "National Anthem". This is a bit untidy and not exactly imaginative lyrically but the song sort of works in a sub Idlewild kind of way.

A bit more dramatic are The Carreras with "Had To Be You". There's this guy playing the Glasgow circuit called Andrea Marini and this sounds like his little brother only with a bit of a Smiths fixation added.  That is perhaps something of a back handed compliment but at least a spark of originality was on show. Matt Morrow's "Working No More" sounded professional and suspiciously like a band familiar to me called Cousti. I was not wrong as he's in that very band.

The Jetpack Penguins' "Infection" was in the style of a punk love song. Signs of some character were present even if the song ended up being dragged down by the style less production and a feeling of general awkwardness to the musicianship. Taking a second bite at the cherry were Soundtrack to a Blockbuster with "It Feels Like". This was another generic piece of indie rock torpedoed by the woeful production. Rounding this compilation off were The Rag Band with "Tell Me". This was a dated and unimaginative dance track with Sarah Cassidy's vocals vainly trying to save the day while, in truth, there wasn't much of a song to save anyway.

This was an easy one to sum up - must try harder.
Review Date: May 23 2010