Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Photophobie by Fucksia

Photophobie cover art

Artist: Fucksia
Title: Photophobie
Catalogue Number: Muertepop Records
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2009

I like the obscure and Italian electronic artist Fucksia is certainly obscure. With not so much as a press release with this album, there's not a lot to go on. The music will have to speak for itself this time.

I'll take the title of the album as a clue. Photophobie - photophobia - fear of the light but this time I think the light is more a philosophical standpoint than anything else. Here the sounds aren't the dark shadows of industrial electronica and, in fact, fall closer to the urban noodlings found in the collaborations between Harold Nono and Hidekazu Wakabayashi ("Multnoma" most clearly illustrates this). Even the cold roboticism of "J&M Factory" doesn't come across as being, for want of a better description, German instead being closer in style to artists like Sadomundo instead. Whilst there is a hard edge to some of the tracks, the overall feeling that you are left with is one of the introspective reflection associated with being trapped in the urban prison.

Photophobie, like most music of this genre, is best suited to nights alone with just your headphones for company and it is very much the type of music that creeps up on you so listening to the album as a whole is definitely the way to go.

The album is available as a free download from the Muertepop website.
Review Date: May 26 2010