Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Come Home EP by Julia and the Doogans

Come Home EP cover art

Artist: Julia and the Doogans
Title: Come Home EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2010

As my grip on reality weakens, I start to ponder what kind of food an artist or band might be. So I take to listening to singles, EPs and albums whilst hungry and imagining what kind of tasty snack said bands might be. Henceforth, Julia and the Doogans - thanks to this, their Come Home EP - shall make me think of Ambrosia creamed rice.  In fact, and now that I ponder further, the rather superior Lidl own brand creamed rice is a more appropriate choice especially if you add some sliced peaches.

Julia and the Doogans are no strangers to these ears and many is the time that their cuddly warmth has soothed these tired reviewer ears. Unsurprisingly, the four sings on this EP have the same effect. There is something beguiling about Julia's plaintive vocal on the title track that makes you want to give her a cuddle (and this from a guy that doesn't do cuddles…) and bring her flowers. The whole wearing her heart on her sleeve thing is also no surprise - as in "Borderline" - but that underlying sweetness never becomes cloying with much of the credit for that being down to the understated, yet never cute, musical support from the rest of the band. If I had to pick the best track then it would be exquisitely mellow (and rather sad) "Hummingbird".

So, in away, this EP is like comfort food. After all, it's sweet and it satisfies a need. It is also something of a guilty pleasure. Much like Lidl creamed rice, really.
Review Date: May 26 2010