Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Silver Tower by Brenda

Silver Tower cover art

Artist: Brenda
Title: Silver Tower
Catalogue Number: MKST Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Debut album time again. This time it is a trio (Joshua Loring, Peet Chamberlain and DJ Moore) from Portland, Maine going by the name of Brenda and the album is called "Silver Tower". What particular musical niche do this band occupy, I hear you ask? Indie says the press release…

And indie they turned out to be. However - and fortunately - not the indie that we have all become used to with its repetitive use of power chords to cover musical mediocrity. Brenda haven't forgot the what a melody is and they use this knowledge to good effect with the result being songs - whilst never getting complex - that evoke emotion, with "Shaililai" and "I'd Be Dead" working particularly well in that respect. Sonically, they definitely sound American but you can pick up a sprinkling of Scottish guitar pop (Orange Juice anyone?) and a bit of quirkiness amongst their sonic sensibilities (I'm thinking of any of Khalid Hanifi's bands like Kiss Me Screaming or the Maypops here).

"Silver Tower" turns out to be a perfectly respectable debut album that will find favour amongst those who like their indie rock to be easy on the ear. I'm sure enough people will like this to justify album number two.
Review Date: May 29 2010