Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Lie In the Dark by The Trade

Lie In the Dark cover art

Artist: The Trade
Title: Lie In the Dark
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Sometimes I think there are more indie rock bands in Scotland than there are natural resources (or jobs these day…). Adding themselves to the (rather long) shortlist for success is five piece band The Trade.

The band get off to a promising start with Ross Milne’s assertive, growling vocals turning “Fight Club” from being a standard indie rocker into a winner destined for success on the summer festival circuit.  He’s not just a belter either and easily handles slower songs like “In Colour” with all the confidence of a seasoned professional. Throw in a bit of offbeat charm to drive “Confused in a Pet Shop” along and the result is easy on the ear if conventional. Not unchallenging like the Killers – though “Let It All Out” was a bit close to a parody of that band’s style – but a little unadventurous nonetheless. Take the guitar work throughout this album as an example – it sounds like a composite of every other indie rock guitarist that you’ve heard.

Inoffensive and certainly not without merit, this album should make the band some new friends but without “Fight Club” and Ross Milne’s voice, you’d have a hard time distinguishing them from the crowd.
Review Date: June 7 2010