What was I thinking? Yes. I remember now. Fluffy as a bunny (and a really cute bunny at that). No, I’m not seeing that giant white rabbit again. It is just that electro pop quartet Futuristic Retro Champions have produced the cleverest, catchiest pure pop song that I’ve heard in a long while. In fact, I would go as far as saying that if Charles Dickens had written “Jenna” then it probably would have been called “The Tale of the Two Shopgirls”. It can’t be easy to write a smart song that sounds dumb and therefore hide the social commentary under a thick layer of candyfloss but that is what they have done. “We just sell shoes…” And maybe a matching handbag too. It hops past the post in first place.
Covering similar ground but with rather less sugar on top is the wittily named “Kitten With A Loaded Gun” and nicking a riff from synth pop history – go on and name it, you pop pickers - is “Strawberries And Vodka Shots”. No matter, as it positively fizzes anyway. Rounding the EP off is a conventional bit of electro dance going by the name of “Told Ya” that should help a good few people make new cardigan wearing friends on the dance floor.
They might have retro in their name but this is a band with a future. We are happy bunnies.
Available as a (very worthwhile) free download.