You’ll all be familiar with comfort food. It might not be good for you but it hits the mark in times of dismay or distress. So and verily, as I stroked my imaginary beard, I got to thinking of this single by Glasgow’s The Recovery Club as musical comfort food.
There’s Amy Rafferty’s voice for a start. She weaves a web of warmth over “Rest And Be Thankful” like an ethereal Julie London without the cigarettes but singing of and from the heart. Although the backing track suggests a familiarity with the back catalogue of Arcade Fire, Ms Rafferty’s vocals bring both elegance and beauty to this song. I feel better already.
Keeping the title track company are a couple of demos. “Weird Weather” has a male lead vocal taking us through a slow paced Carly Simon style tale of confused emotions but rather more successful is “DNA” where classy folk style harmonies cast a spell in a Pentangle meets Cracks in the Concrete kind of way. So fragile that it just disappears into the wind, I wished that they had finished this one properly.