Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Almost Half Undressed by The Eisenhowers

Almost Half Undressed cover art

Artist: The Eisenhowers
Title: Almost Half Undressed
Catalogue Number: Serali Records SERALI002
Review Format: Compact Disc
Release Year: 2006

Way back in the early eighties, pop music was in confusion. Style had triumphed over substance and quality song writing was fighting a rearguard action in the once glorious battlefield of the charts. The mighty generals of this army were Squeeze and Elvis Costello. Their output from this time never received the commercial success that it should have. It is a compliment indeed to say that this album from the Eisenhowers can be considered alongside the best produced by the aforementioned artists.

In sonic terms, the production gives an eighties feel to most of the tracks. This is especially noticeable with the Duran Duran style cheesy synthesisers on "25 o'clock". "Mr and Mrs Frankenstein" has more of a sixties feel, however, being reminiscent of the Kinks. "If I Had to Make a List" is sugar candy coated Elvis Costello. "Plastic Jesus" gives us sharp commentary on the emptiness of modern life. "Novelty Act" could stand alongside Squeeze's "Tempted" and provides the highlight of the album.

All the twelve songs are from the pen of Raymond Weir and the quality is remarkably consistent. It has been said that songwriters are the only commentators left on our society. Nobody reads anymore and nobody believes what they see. All we have left to trust is the songs that reach our ears. Immaculate musicianship makes this an easy listen but it is the intelligent lyrics that give it the depth to ensure longevity on the CD player. BluesBunny is impressed. Very impressed!

Available for download and on CD from Bandcamp
Review Date: November 16 2008