Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Confessions EP by Blindness

Confessions EP cover art

Artist: Blindness
Title: Confessions EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Creatures of the night behold Blindness for they are playing your tune. Hailing from the Big Smoke, they’ve got that grindhouse electro pop feel that seems right at home after midnight.

The title track of this EP - “Confessions” – strafes you with ripped up riffs and droning loops that drill their way into your daylight starved brain.  Crank the volume up a bit more and it all makes sense. Well sort of.  We’re talking a sort of madness here - the hormonal insanity of a “broke down girl”. Twisted and compelling and surely no stranger to the dangers of the dance floor, Beth Rettig’s vocals exude the necessary torment. “Broken”  goes all robotic but manages to sound vaguely mystical with the vocals drifting high above you over the kind of distorted psyched out guitar that makes you think of a half speed drug induced trance. Ending on lighter (and consequently weaker) “This One Counts” made me wonder where the darkness went but it has the saving grace of Debbie Smith’s guitar that echoes Martin Metcalfe’s jagged precision in style.

One more for the soundtrack of your own personal urban wasteland…
Review Date: July 4 2010