Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Fires by Mellifluous

Fires cover art

Artist: Mellifluous
Title: Fires
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2009

Mellifluous are a 5 piece rock band from Dumbarton and “Fires” is their second album.  Unfortunately, there’s not a lot to say about this weak collection of quasi American grungy rock songs. Sure, there are also (unconvincing) acoustic moments like “All or Nothing” but the surfeit of grinding monotony to be found on the likes of “A Confederate in a Love Triangle” just doesn’t work with the end result sounding like a second rate school band’s end of term project.  Everyone knows that there are two essentials for a proper rock band – muscular guitars and powerful vocals - but Andrew Ferguson’s weak, insipid voice drag things down right from the start and the lack of imagination in the playing and in the song writing make the entire album forgettable.

Reviews of albums like this are the difficult ones.  So, with so little to comment upon and even less to commend, I’ll take the easy way out and end it here. Looking on the bright side – Mellifluous can only get better.
Review Date: July 17 2010