So the Retrofrets strike out with something physical? Damn right they do and if you’ve seen one of their somewhat inconsistent live shows then you might get a bit of surprise as they’ve tidied up their act a bit. Either that or they’ve acquired a few more stabilising influences (like the Fire Engines and even the Doors…)
To tell the truth, they still sound like some snotty garage band with a penchant for untidy playing and awkward tempo changes and that’s a good thing in my book as it seems to have protected them from the unimaginative pretension that afflicts so many of their Glasgow contemporaries. “Infected”, for example, is a bit of a mess but I didn’t really care as the band sound like they are having more fun than I am and that effervescence – there’s a word I haven’t had a use for in a while” – is also to be found bubbling away in the rest of the songs. Then, having thrashed their way amiably through 5 songs, the Retrofrets unleash the camply theatrical “War Ghost” complete with faux Spanish guitar to round things off. Looks like you won’t be safe in the arthouse either.
Inconsistent they are and inconsistent they probably will always be, The Retrofrets nonetheless deserve credit for not following current trends and striking out down their own path and I’ve just realised something else - I actually like this EP.