Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Poetry of Vår by Draff Krimmy

Poetry of Vår cover art

Artist: Draff Krimmy
Title: Poetry of Vår
Catalogue Number: Fluttery Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

The first thing that the press release says is “Draff Krimmy is not a band. It is a project between people all over the world who communicate in the language of music”.  Forewarned is forearmed as they say.

This is an odd album and, in fact, an odd concept for an album. There’s little sign of any common theme running through it for a start. Fragments of ideas – sometimes organic and sometimes industrial – seemed to have been joined together without rhyme or reason. It’s like an ambient version of freeform jazz (without the 4526 chord changes, of course) and, accordingly, it’s not an album that directly draws your attention. Instead it sort of circles you with sound hoping to enchant you with its other worldliness. Highpoints were “Otradnoje” that manages to sound like dark cabaret sung by some tortured soul imprisoned by the fires of hell and the haunting angelic elegance of “Min Engel”. However – and this is perhaps a weakness - mood wins out over melody most of the time so there are no hooks to remember and the album leaves you with an unexpected feeling of loss.

“Poetry of Vår” is therefore something of an album for the iPod where its sonic limitations are less obvious and where the enclosing effect of headphones would enhance its impact.  I don’t know how often you would return to this album either as your enjoyment would most likely depend on your mood.
Review Date: July 25 2010