Album, Single and EP Reviews



  I Tried by David Celia

I Tried cover art

Artist: David Celia
Title: I Tried
Catalogue Number: Experience Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Opening with a jazzy, bouncing swagger of “Turnout” and the ukulele based “Severine” David Celia made me think of Noel Coward or the Victorian picture postcard of Queen's “Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon” as he positions this release as a summer-sitting-on-the-beach album. “I Tried” sees the clouds arrive with a dark little waltz although it seems to have another, more country, second half bolted on (unless there's a fault with the CD and this is supposed to be another song?). However, it is soon back to summer, and “Sergio” has more than a touch of the Monkees. Likewise, the lightweight country rock of “Instant Puppy Love” or the psychedelic 60s pop of “Running Out Of Time” shows that David Celia is no one trick pony but someone who can write in practically any style required. With that in mind there is a downside: this is an album with very little substance – like being give candy floss when you wanted a steak, or seeing a child's big, bright finger painting instead of the Mona Lisa. Even on the more sombre songs, such as the title track, there is a forced whimsy which reminded me of someone at a party trying too hard to be liked.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the CD, it's just that there's not much to recommend in songs like the silly country of “I'm Not a Texan” or the cloyingly sentimental “Crush”. No wonder he was the target of all those tomatoes on the cover.

Should try harder…
Review Date: August 1 2010