Every now and then, amongst the interminable onslaught of indie rock bands and angst ridden singer songwriters that threaten a reviewer’s sanity, comes a little gem. A flawed gem undoubtedly but its sparkle alone draws you to it and causes you to grab it and hold it up to the light
And so to the case of this little 6 track gem by The Sexbots. A collaborative project fronted by Ilima Considine, it seems almost sacrilegious to hold it up to the light for these songs stroll through the urban shadows and vanish before the dawn can claim them. From the hypnotic electro of “Cecilia” to the retro urban paranoia of “Dance Dance”, the influences of the dusk until dawn nightlife are evident. Throw in some self doubt and alienation like you get in “Driving Beat” and you get to thinking that this is what a stripped down, tripped out Bjork would sound like. Ms Considine, like some soul stealing sorceress, does her magic here and no one would blame you if you fell under her spell. Least of all me.
It might well be a superfluous point for Ms Considine to make but to quote from the intense and rather disturbing “Angel” – “…”you can stay all night”.