Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Tapso II by Tapso II

Tapso II cover art

Artist: Tapso II
Title: Tapso II
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Time for some more Italian rock, this time from Tapso II who are a three piece band from Sicily. So what’s new with this band? Well, like many Italian rock bands – at least of the ones that I have heard anyway – there is a refreshingly positive attitude to experimentation. Chances get taken here and while they don’t always work, Tapso II spin up a worthy tale of adventure here.

Of particular note is Giovanni Fiderio’s near incendiary violin that passionately punctuates the songs here – witness the way he adds a primitive element of sorcery to “Tonic-O”. Not far behind in primal impact is “Il Mostro” as the violin dances with a harsh to the point of crude electric guitar while an intoned sub-vocal speaks from the pulpit of doom. Right, so might have figured out by now that the influence of European prog-rock bands through the ages pervades this album but there is, fortunately, little in the way of self indulgence and, while the songs certainly stretch way beyond the three minute mark, there is clearly a direction to it all and the standard of musicianship often impresses. In simple terms, there is much for those of you with mature musical tastes to appreciate.

The sound quality likewise bears up to scrutiny and – tolerant neighbours permitting – this album can be enjoyed at impressive volume. It’s also available on vinyl as an album of this quality should be.
Review Date: October 23 2010