Three men in a boat. A rocking boat even if they are not actually rocking the boat by much. With that thought in my mind, it was onwards to the self titled debut album from Boston based band Dogs on Television. They’re a rock band but you’ve probably guessed that by now.
So what we have here is a straightforward set of rock songs by a straightforward rock band. Whilst competently executed, there is little here to indicate that Dogs on Television would stand out from the crowd. Of the tracks on the album, “I’ll See You” shows the band’s sensitive side, “Ben Riley” shows that they can do southern rock and “Dumbstruck #2” illustrates their ability balls to the wall blues rock. Therein lies the problem however as there is no real sense of direction and the band end up demonstrating how easily they can sound like someone else.
The performances are pretty restrained as well with the need for a firebrand guitarist only too evident. Sound quality, likewise, wins no prizes.
Overall, this is a respectable album if lacking in excitement or individuality. Available from CD Baby.