There comes a time. Yes, there comes a time when the world needs a slayer. A slayer to rid us of the indie rock mediocrity. A slayer who happens to be a band called Sonny Marvello with none of those self important smirks common to those who regard victory as being louder than anybody else.
A rambling rant perhaps? Does the world really need great pop songs? I think they do and on this EP, Sonny Marvello take us on a rollercoaster ride of big songs that you can actually sing along with. “We’re All Cruel” starts all synth pop and then nearly overdoses on melodrama and so much so that you think its natural home is on the soundtrack to Hollyoaks. “Made of Magic” takes the retro route and does the job so well you would think that it actually belongs in the pre punk seventies. The band’s live favourite “My Lover” gets a sort of dance floor of the cognoscenti makeover but, to tell the truth, it still works better on a stage and while the title track, “Pull Me Up”, sounds like another melody rich trip down memory lane (with perhaps the merest hint of Apples in Stereo added) it nonetheless lingers long in your memory.
Sonny Marvello keep the pop flame burning. So for now, “ba ba ba ba…I’m out with the boys”.