Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Deadly Sins EP by Project Violet

Deadly Sins EP cover art

Artist: Project Violet
Title: Deadly Sins EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2010

I kind of like it when a band just sends in a CD unannounced, apparently without so much as a covering letter. You see, I have this theory that Jiffy bags get hungry and consume all the paper inside them as they journey across the Atlantic. And so it was that the “Deadly Sins” EP from Los Angeles band Project Violet arrived alone at Bluesbunny Towers.

First impressions are of another American band that likes to hark back to the halcyon days (they were, weren’t they?) of the Eighties with stalwart mid paced radio friendly rock to be found in  “Fell On Me” while some cutely synthetic and retro synth pop underpins the charm of both “Sweet Insanity” and the punchier “Picture Perfect”. The pick of the bunch, however, turned out to be the title track when – and it did take a couple of plays – I realised that I had been entranced by Ali Field’s understated performance.  The song itself is the stuff of American Idol but I doubt that any of the contenders in that cattle market could compete with the endearing subtlety of Ms Field’s voice.

First impressions can indeed be misleading but it is Ali Field’s voice that lifts these songs towards the sky. Good things do indeed come in plain packages.

The EP is available on iTunes.
Review Date: November 24 2010