Have you ever wondered what Deacon Blue would have sounded like if they had discovered high tar instant death cigarettes, 101 proof Wild Turkey (and a sense of humour)? To tell the truth, neither had I but it is indeed strange what crosses your mind when you listen to Glasgow five piece band Bad Bad Men.
So the five tracks on this here EP – I’m feeling a little bit country now, yeehah! – throw in the kind of melodrama beloved of the denizens of Nashville only this time laced with wry west of Scotland fatalism. Accordingly, melancholy and rain comprises the payload of “Warplanes” and whiskey soaked redemption sets the course for “Darkest of Blues”. Closest to what used to be called outlaw country is “Born From The Bellies of Thieves” but not far behind it is “Measure” which, as such songs do, has no intention of providing this EP with a happy ending.
A few further observations…why does Guinness cost more in a plastic glass when in Glasgow and why are they called Bad Bad Men when one of them is clearly a woman? Is Craig McLure really related to Ricky Ross? Do they really ride horses into town? See, I told you that strange things run through your head when you listen to Bad Bad Men.