Ever had one of those days when you think that your head is going to explode? As my blood pressure hit some sort of world record and I finally realised that there is such a thing as too much caffeine and sugar, I began to wonder what would such a systemic overload would sound like if it were put to music.
And that’s where North American War come in. A Glasgow band apparently even if they don’t sound anything like your standard no mean city indie rocker, they do this distinctly effective end run on art house torment chock full of attitude ridden, and very American sounding, female vocals, discord dot com guitars and decadent misadventure. Out of their threat bag they pull “Me & My GI Joes” which staggers at you in a rather threatening manner rambling psychotically while “I’m Talkin’” just makes the room spin round and round. “Jelly Witch” sounds more conventional even if those words refuse to make sense but when you are armed with a selection of surf guitar sounds and Joy Division rhythms then expecting to be covered by Beyonce isn’t a realistic outcome.
Maybe my head has actually exploded - surely there would be brains on the wall if it had? – but North American War have done well here. They dare to be different and they have succeeded. They make me want to drink tequila with the Devil.