Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Pro Life EP by Pro Life

Pro Life EP cover art

Artist: Pro Life
Title: Pro Life EP
Catalogue Number: Winning Sperm Party
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Imagine, if you will, getting your head kicked in and then waking up in a basement. Oh, and somebody has written Megadeth on the wall too. In blood.

If you can handle that and not lose your lunch then you might be ready for the deliberately difficult Pro Life (ah, the kind of name that will quickly lose a band amongst less rock ‘n’ roll results in the font of world knowledge that is Google!). But what of the music, I hear you say? Or at least I would hear you say if I hadn’t been playing this aggressive little five track EP from at maximum volume. Punctuated with menacing guitar and howling at the moon vocals, they sound like a band in need of therapy as each song batters you about the head with Thor’s mighty hammer.

I could say make some sort of metaphorical comment about escaping from hell but, as we all know, the Devil has the X Factor as his preferred  means of collecting souls these day. At only £1 plus network charges, Old Nick knows which side of the bread has the organic Seville orange marmalade on it.
Review Date: January 24 2011