Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The Threat Remains And Is Very Real by Recs of the Flesh

The Threat Remains And Is Very Real cover art

Artist: Recs of the Flesh
Title: The Threat Remains And Is Very Real
Catalogue Number: Raising Real Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

My head fell off. Then it got kicked about the room by some madman driven insane by the post prog maelstrom created by Recs of the Flesh. If their last album (“Illusory Fields of Unconsciousness “) was a punch in the face, their new one (“The Threat Remains And Is Very Real”) is an at times perplexing mixture of New York post punk and prog rock.

In what gets to seem like a stream of consciousness poetry recital on the woes of this plastic playground that we live in than mere lyrics, this Sardinian band cranks up a twisted, rambling kind of isolation driven insanity powered by axe murdered guitar riffs and those maxed out stadium drums. Decorating those strained vocals – as you would expect after having to sing words like “…holy scents and burning flesh, voices whispering best repressed” – with old style synth sounds brings an almost medieval weight to these songs making them the perfect ambience for an extended stay in the dungeons of your mind, you might say.

With the pummelling from “Musings of Days To Come” inducing concussion, I wonder if Mahler listened to music played at one past maximum volume. Of course he did. He had an orchestra. Much as their first album wasn’t for everyone neither is “The Threat Remains And Is Very Real” but it is definitely closer to the mainstream this time round.
Review Date: January 26 2011