Album, Single and EP Reviews



  777 Vol II by Tonetta

777 Vol II cover art

Artist: Tonetta
Title: 777 Vol II
Catalogue Number: Black Tent Press
Review Format: LP
Release Year: 2010

Oh God, why do I do this to myself? A second album from Canadian Internet sensation Tonetta and I had to have it. The attraction of more made to order minimalist smut tinged controversy was too strong to resist.

So spin it up to 33 rpm and go on a journey, my friends. A journey into an alternate dimension where the X factor has been replaced by a collapsing star in the urban universe and, like all good collapsing stars, the gravitational pull drags everything within reach into oblivion. After all, who could resist songs with titles like G&B Showers” or “Doin A Dyke Tonight”? There has to be topical political comment in there.  Somewhere. Or maybe not as, like some crumbling post Studio 54 (or should that be Studio 69?) veteran, Tonetta spins out shock to order stories of the wild side of life.

Crumbling under the weight of roboman the drummer, it’s a wonder that these songs manage to hold it together at all but the end result never fails to raise at least a smile and, given the bargain basement budget, that’s something of an achievement. While nothing  here reaches the sublime level of guilty pleasure that “Drugs Drugs Drugs” from his first album brought, there is more than enough here to warrant recommendation (the bizarre crooning of “Set A Flame”, for example).

Sound quality was never the prime directive here but it was interesting to note how much kinder the vinyl was to the (err…) raw sound than the CD that came with it.
Review Date: January 29 2011