Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Grey Swans of Extremistan by Lorenzo Monni

Grey Swans of Extremistan cover art

Artist: Lorenzo Monni
Title: Grey Swans of Extremistan
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

Whether you accept it or not, progressive rock is a much-maligned field of music. So easily can a band take a terrific idea for an album and stretch it far beyond the realm of interest. So, it is with great pleasure that I suggest Lorenzo Monni’s latest album as pleasantly listenable and absolutely not boring. This, the Italian’s third full release, is awash with engaging instrumentals, yet varied enough - as much in style as in tempo - to play down the fact that it is a concept album.

Seemingly a progressive musician in every aspect of the term, no synthesizers are to be heard on this release, with Monni stating in the liner notes that you should check out his previous release (“Debris”) for such sounds. A bold statement? Not really, but it does highlight that this album’s wizardry is almost entirely performed on guitar.

While on the whole a rather “dark” album - nicely reflecting the album’s intended theme - there are exceptions, most notably “The Mysterious Cyclist of Cyclette” (perhaps an suggestion as to how the Surfaris would sound in the modern day) and closing track “Once Upon a Time in Extremistan”, which sounds decidedly jazz-influenced.
Despite this album being, as much as anything, a sign of advancement for Monni’s music, it’s probably as good as his past two records as an introduction to his music. Much more than just an intriguing title, “Grey Swans of Extremistan” is quite the musical odyssey.
Review Date: January 30 2011