Album, Single and EP Reviews



  To Drink The Rain by Malcolm Holcombe

To Drink The Rain cover art

Artist: Malcolm Holcombe
Title: To Drink The Rain
Catalogue Number: Music Road MRRCD010
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

Eight albums in and Malcolm Holcombe has undoubtedly proved his mastery of the authentic sung in a voice that reflects his seen it, done it, lived it and been punished for it life. Just the thing for keeping it real.

So, it is perhaps little surprise to announce that these songs run on down the line like a freight train on the loose.  The lights are green all the way, however, and you just know that the goods are going to be safely delivered. Before the end of line, however, there’s plenty of time to look at of the window at the country going by (“Mountains Go By”) and times that are a’ changing even if the story remains the same (“Behind The Number One”). “To Drink The Rain” is that kind of album full, as it is, of commentary on the derailments of life with a gruff voiced train driver called Malcolm Holcombe keeping those wheels turning ably assisted, even though I’ve run out of metaphors, by Luke Bolla’s extraordinarily supportive fiddle.

It is true that this isn’t an album for the “kids” as the relaxed musicianship is something that only concentration can appreciate. It also occurred to me as the last song finished that Willie Dixon wrote a song called “I Love The Life I Live” and I wondered if, perhaps Malcolm Holcombe would be covering that song on his next album. Maybe?
Review Date: February 4 2011