Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Cannons and Drums EP by Tanera Heights

Cannons and Drums EP cover art

Artist: Tanera Heights
Title: Cannons and Drums EP
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: EP
Release Year: 2011

There’s often time to despair at the lack of adventure in bands from Scotland these days with the phrase “dare to be average” in danger of being overused in any such evaluation. Then along comes a band like Tanera Heights who display, with these three songs, that they have the potential to grow.

Anyway, to the songs. You know what strikes me most about this band? It is the complexity of what they are doing. No more maxed out guitars in a power chord frenzy as is the Scottish way. Instead the songs are driven by experimentation around the mainstream. The distinctly educated keyboards of Tom Cullen drive these songs along with “Endgame” standing out for sheer melodrama although “My Fictional Fortress” makes a convincing stab at pop progress.

Whilst ultimately let down by the restrained, almost to the point to dullness. vocals, Tanera Heights nonetheless mark themselves out as being of interest here and I’m sure that as their confidence grows so will their potential impact.
Review Date: February 6 2011