They’re from LA. They were identical leather biker jackets. They even credit their hair/makeup artist. It would have been so very easy to (err…) deconstruct Nothing Sacred. After all, hair rock has been a sitting target since the eighties.
Only, as it happens, it wasn’t that easy to dismiss this band. For one thing, this is an actual band that sounds like they were all hewn from the same slab of rock. They walk the same walk, talk the same talk and play like they have been welded together. Muscular guitar is the order of the day – no surprises there – and each song just about overdoses on power chords and attitude. Well, if you’re going to do it, do it to death.
“Walk of Shame” stands out here. Guitars row the boat along but the dryly decadent lyrics and Danny Burkholder’s floor shaking drums make this so much more than a noise fest. As for the howling wild machoness of “No Way Out”, it’s a Jack Daniels fuelled cure to urban dystopia. Bang bang and Nothing Sacred have shot Richard Hell in the head.
There are only four tracks on this EP so I’d definitely say that it was over way too soon. Needless to say, best enjoyed loud whilst driving a Cadillac convertible (at speed). Available from CD Baby.