Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The Juggler by Ellen Tipper

The Juggler cover art

Artist: Ellen Tipper
Title: The Juggler
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

If you follow online discussions on the sound quality of modern recordings - well, I do anyway – then you will have reached the conclusion that most bands confuse volume with impact. Subtlety, therefore, seems to have become something that is no longer valued. However, Ellen Tipper, with her second album “The Juggler”, shows that subtlety is the way to go.

I have to confess to being unfamiliar with Ms Tipper. It is clear from this album that she is hewn from that solid American tradition of singer songwriters that use the black and white keys of the piano to describe the grey areas of life. Whether looking at the isolation that results from being together (“Don’t Want You To Know”) or suburban insecurities (“Turbulent Mind”), she displays a mature and unsentimental lyrical style. There are moments of whimsy too.  “Keep It Raw” is lightweight feelgood pared down rock just like Delaney and Bonnie used to make and there is much to smile at in the flirtatious “In The Kitchen”.

An understated and mature album, “The Juggler” works its magic on you without ever appearing to make any effort and Ellen Tipper certainly bears comparison here with personal favourites like Molly McGinn and perhaps even Libby Titus.

Available from CD Baby.
Review Date: March 12 2011