Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Resolution by Accidental Tribe

Resolution cover art

Artist: Accidental Tribe
Title: Resolution
Catalogue Number: Cash Sell Out Productions
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

It takes but a moment to figure out that Accidental Tribe are the kind of band that you would find in a big city basement dive and a basement dive in New York at that. Certainly they sound like they have served their time in such places with their power chord driven songs clearly capable of punching through the cigarette smoke.

Of the songs, there is actually some subtlety to be found in “Looking In (From The Outside) while there is much in the way of frenetic charm to be found in “Supremist”. As you might have guessed by now, “Resolution” is an honest, straight down the line rock album

Sound quality is pretty poor throughout but as this album is only ever likely to be played at maximum volume then you probably won’t care too much about that.
Review Date: April 9 2011