Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Trouble Magnet by The Elektrocution

Trouble Magnet cover art

Artist: The Elektrocution
Title: Trouble Magnet
Catalogue Number: Pyromane Records
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

There’s always a place for hard hitting rock music in the heart of any beer drinker and  French band The Elektrocution provide more than enough with their album “Trouble Magnet” to quench your thirst.  True, they get really close to indie rock at times but they obviously have also had a close listen to The Strokes before recording this album.

Sung in English, The Elektrocution set sail towards the mainstream with the frenetic “Sweet Caroline” before Maxime Prieux howls up a very respectable clone of the archetypal radio friendly rockstar on “Somewhere Else”. He keeps his finger on the pulse all the way through the rest of the album and doesn’t let stylistic variations such as in the slow grinding “Babylon By Bus” slow him down for as moment and even on metal diversions like “Out of Breath” he never loses control. Every album has to have a highpoint, however, and that highpoint is the pure blues rock meets the Kinks stomp of “La Cour Des Miracles”. You just can’t go wrong with that song like that.

Probably the best recommendation I can give is that I’d be perfectly happy to spend my own money on an album like this (and it is available on vinyl too).
Review Date: April 24 2011