Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Four Small Bodies by Blood of The Bull

Four Small Bodies cover art

Artist: Blood of The Bull
Title: Four Small Bodies
Catalogue Number: Winning Sperm Party
Review Format: MP3
Release Year: 2009

It’s like a vocation. Investigate the lo-fi low end of the musical market and locate the gems. The unpolished gems disguised as left of centre or perhaps covered in art house veneer. Stock up on the strong drink and prepare with a diet of spicy food and David Lynch movies just to get in the right frame of mind. Wild at heart, that’s how you’ve got to be.

So and verily, Blood of the Bull assault your consciousness. Strident guitars that would not be lost on the more adventurous indie rock band stand tall next to distant drums while Hilary Van Scoy phones in her obtuse lyrics from another postcode.  “Flick” pulls the postcard out off post Postcard Scottish guitar pop while the call and response post punk of “Knife in Water” is a morality tale of misfits in a sloppy second world (and would the great Shadow Morton have approved? Yes, he would!).  Crumble up some Patti Smith with a TV Guide and independent thinking and you’ve got the positively oblique “American Movies” before the nightmare ends with the zombiefied obsessive significance of “Be Mine” doing the final messing with your mind thing.

The remarkable thing is that this EP is available as a free download from Winning Sperm Party. There is a God!
Review Date: April 24 2011