At last, a Scottish rock band with more than power chords to populate their volume obsessed fantasies. In fact, Salute Mary – from Edinburgh, pop pickers – take said guitar driven volume obsession and turn it into melodrama. "Pacifying Hungry Ghosts" goes for a substantial distance suggesting that mainstream rock was more of a motivation than the band might care to admit but it readily breaks sweat somewhere along the way. After all, you can't do that post-rock alt-rock thing without throwing in some deeper meaning.
"Rubella Rubata" is more theatrical than melodramatic, at times verging on cravat wearing Morrissey territory. Again, the song takes a relaxed Mogwai style pacing even if it is guilty of wallowing in its own importance with but a lonely guitar to punctuate all those musical sentences.
Clearly smarter than your average band, Salute Mary show their potential here even if it is stretched a bit thinly.