It is considered acceptable for a band to suffer burnout after years of relentless touring. Given that, I’d accuse The Wilders of being positively abnormal. Not content with thrilling venues on both sides of the Atlantic for the past few years, the four-track EP “Broken Pieces” suggests that their upcoming album is going to be something rather special, too. Where do they find the time?
“Get Up Kid” plays on mournful, full-blooded sounds, slowly building into a well-voiced cautionary telling. The fiddle-heavy “Riverboat” could well have been conceived on a hilltop by the North Sea such is the Celtic feel that flows from the speakers. The pace lessens considerably on “Pat’s”, which evokes the sounds of a million forgotten dive bar acts whose words were never cemented in history. However, the barn-stormin’ “Stay With Me” ends the EP with suitably untamed hillbilly gusto. If you’re not feeling the need to dance by the end of the song, consult your local GP.
Even by their standards, “Broken Pieces” is magnificent. More importantly, it suggests that fans are in for a treat when the self-titled album is released. A smart man would have his money ready. Brilliant.