Album, Single and EP Reviews



  The Party's Over by King Post Kitsch

The Party's Over cover art

Artist: King Post Kitsch
Title: The Party's Over
Catalogue Number: Song, By Toad SbTR-A-018
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

A curious release this one so let's talk for a short while about King Post Kitsch's album "The Party's Over". Unfamiliar as I am with his oeuvre – how long before I can use that word again? – I also had to wonder where he is going on his musical journey.
There are, after all, moments of pure class such as "The New Gang" that has an almost ethereal folk feel at odds with its altogether darker lyrical undercurrents or, indeed, the equally endearing "Fante's Last Stand" for that matter. Then, as some sort of alternative to following the path all the way to the source of elegiac beauty, a retro run through Arnold Layne period Pink Floyd territory instead drags us through "Walking on Eggshells" and "Portland Street pt.2". Neither of these songs are by any means bad but equally they are hardly evidence of originality.

So there you have it. Two songs shot in beautiful Technicolor amongst a stroll through an otherwise grey lo-fi retro landscape. As Mr Spock might say: "This is about as logical as hats for hamsters".
Review Date: May 22 2011