The thought of two guys with acoustic guitars fills me with dread. So often confusing sensitivity with monumental self indulgence, they can, and do, induce a coma. This time, though, I was caught unawares. Whilst the mundane presentation does their songs no favours, Rum Doodle have that oft missing quality: integrity.
Martin Brennan's voice is far from theatrical but suits the folk flavoured songs well imbuing the likes of "Irish Man" with the necessary warmth and depth to bring realism to the words. That brings me to the important point here. Folk music is often obsessed with the past but this duo aren't guilty of having their heads in some historical cloud. Instead, there is a dryness, a feeling of being down to earth and happy to be so that helps you relate to their music.
Free of pretention, Rum Doodle – perhaps because of their long track records playing the pubs and clubs of this land – keep it real here making "Last Forever" an honest album.