Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Wanna Fly by Robin Delorenzo

Wanna Fly cover art

Artist: Robin Delorenzo
Title: Wanna Fly
Catalogue Number: East West Music
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2010

When is a blues singer not a blues singer? That's a question I would ask of Robin DeLorenzo. She's got the range and power of a blues singer and even the earthiness that brings realism to the lyrics that you would expect of a blues singer.  Certainly, her album "Wanna Fly" even threatens to start out as a blues album, or maybe even a blues rock album, but decides instead to wander a different and rather muddy musical path.

There's no problem with her choice of songs – all co-written with her producer Lisa Ratner – as she walks the empowered woman strut in a world full of men story line displaying no small amount of authority, with "Soul On Fire" stealing your cigarette lighter (and you don't even mind).  Ms Delorenzo shows similarly impressive control on a big ballad like "Middle of the Day" but these two songs just serve to further illustrate the point that she is a blues singer under it all as she easily outdistances the awkward and uninspired production.  Practically nothing of note happens outside of Ms Delorenzo's voice on this album and the listener is left with a powerful desire to hear what she could do with a real band that could play with some soul.

Easy on the ear and possessed of a fine set of pipes, Robin Delorenzo has the talent to go much further than this album would have you believe.

Available from CD Baby.
Review Date: June 5 2011