I've got a sweet tooth. Everybody knows that. So, when some music throws itself through the letterbox attached to some band branded boilings then I have to take such music seriously. Nothing trivial would use such advanced marketing methods after all.
The Japanese War Effort is a solo effort by one Martin Moog – an alias for one of the members of Conquering Animal Sounds, apparently – and the five songs on "Surrender to Summer" are his adventure in bedsit electronica. Now, this is a path well trodden by many and those familiar with such sonic excursions will recognise a kindred spirit. As is customary, little consideration is given to sound quality but perhaps this is deliberate rather than an attempt to obscure such things as melody. Perhaps. Lyrically too, this is right up to genre standards with a schoolboy simplicity liberally sprinkled over everything.
The relentlessly upbeat press release points out that Moog has recently ended a university course studying popular music. I would throw in some sarcasm here but one listen will be more than enough for you to judge how much he must have learned.