Album, Single and EP Reviews



  From Space And Beyond by TR3

From Space And Beyond cover art

Artist: TR3
Title: From Space And Beyond
Catalogue Number: No catalogue number
Review Format: CD
Release Year: 2011

A curate's egg. A tale of two cities. TR3's album "From Space and Beyond" hangs it out on the line for all to see and I would imagine that many would wonder what exactly it is that they listening to for there are two CD's here and one just about works while the other simply falls over and doesn’t die.

Let's be up front here and say that in terms of musical ability, there is nothing to be ashamed of in the contributions of any of the participants and the fact that this is a live recording is also commendable. However, even the most dedicated fan of instrumental rock would surely struggle to maintain his attention over the full, unexpurgated, length of these two albums. Vocal interludes are in fact present but add little to the rock until you get shot virtuoso musicianship that overwhelms what are distinctly simple songs that rapidly turn into extended – less charitable reviewers than I would surmise that all the songs sound seriously over extended – workouts that highlight the ever present guitar of Tim Reynolds . "Non violent approach" is perhaps the prime example of what this band do best although "Matte Kudusai" comes close but, as for the rest, you would have to be dedicated indeed to endure it.

The second CD is also something of a struggle featuring, as it does, one of the most embarrassing covers of a James Brown song ("Get Up (I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine)") to ever offend my ears.

No doubt there is a market for this sort of musical self-indulgence but I have to conclude that it is an opportunity wasted.
Review Date: August 24 2011