Pause for a moment to consider the lot of rock bands – and even the "nu Goth" subgenre – like The Dark Retreat. They have to work inside a musical framework that positively encourages pretentiousness whilst maintaining the kind of forward motion that you would expect of a runaway train. So, what of their debut single "Devil In Me (Butterfly Kiss)"?
Well, if you would imagine English style folk rock taken into the shadows of mysticism then you would have a pretty good idea of this band's direction. Singer Kaytee DeWolfe shows poise throughout and imbues no small amount of drama into the lyrics (inspired by a movie, no less!) while those ubiquitous guitars churn out repetitive riffs with an increasing sense of purpose until the song ends on an entirely appropriate "…God has forgotten me".
"Devil In Me (Butterfly Kiss)" makes for a convincing debut single from a band that might just do some business.