Divorce are a four piece Glasgow band which is, in itself, no cause for celebration given the seemingly unending number of turgid indie rock bands that take unnatural comfort in the number four and consequent downloadable mediocrity. However, we are in the land of vinyl and wondrous things can happen there so, without further ado, it is needle to the groove time.
One thing is for certain and that is that Divorce are here for impact and not for self preening. "Wet Bandit" is powered by robotic rhythms supporting female vocals that are nearly lost in the the sub metal violence of the guitars. Not so much a song as the ranting of a dervish whirling in a maelstrom of decaying moral values. It is enough to put a man in cat killing mood for the answer, my friend, isn't blowing in the wind. No, it is right in your face.
The flipside, "Dildine", is more staccato in its approach. Connoisseurs of the urban punk rant will recognise that this is more a deconstruction on auto destruct than a song and that it was probably assembled to celebrate random acts of violence. Way too big to fit in the shoebox of conventionality.