Album, Single and EP Reviews



  Some Easy Magic by Fungi Girls

Some Easy Magic cover art

Artist: Fungi Girls
Title: Some Easy Magic
Catalogue Number: Hozac HZR090
Review Format: LP
Release Year: 2011

There are certain incongruities to this band. The obvious one is that the Fungi Girls are not actually girls. The less obvious one is how three Texas teenagers on the rampage through their parent's (or more likely grandparent's) record collection have managed to come with something that sounds fresh.

While there are elements of garage rock, surf punk and even a substantial pinch of sixties British style psych pop to be found within the grooves of their album "Some Easy Magic", you never feel like you have heard it all before. "Doldrums" probably best illustrates the skilled reinvention of things past but all the songs have that same feeling to them and the interesting thing, when you look at this album as a whole, is just how relaxed it sounds. You would think that the impetuousness of youth would cause a band like the Fungi Girls to race through songs but that is not the case here. Instead, you get the feeling of a band playing together and enjoying it neither of which, thankfully, can be easily faked by technology.

Of the rest of the songs, much enjoyment was derived from the minimalist charms of "Honey face" and from the driving garage rock groove of "Velvet Days". The key thing to note, however, was the consistency of the songs. The Fungi Girls might not have written an anthem yet but they certainly can't be accused of padding things out with half thought out songs either.

The sound quality, despite the deliberate lo-fi approach, is perfectly acceptable and likewise there is nothing to complain about in either the mastering or pressing of this rather fetching translucent gold vinyl LP.
Review Date: September 29 2011