From the musical melting pot that is Austin Texas comes John Wesley Coleman III and, if you like your garage rock served raw, then his "Personality Pancake EP" will be right up your street.
You get four barely cooked yet still hot songs that sound like they were recorded in a garage next door to a nuclear power station that was in the process of meltdown. "Funky Monster" is all scratchy guitars and lost in space vocals but it is enough of a clarion call that even a zombie would howl along with it. "Personality Pancake" would very nearly be a normal pop song if it weren't for the fact that it bangs itself off every wall like a smacked out proto punk band would. Johnny Thunders would approve of this one.
"I'm Fucked and I'm Cool" reeks of punk anguish and the desire to induce a cataclysm. As the howling, distorted vocals repeat the song title over and over again, you know that darkness has fallen and the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Even more experimental is the curiously titled "If Giuseppe Andrews Hears This Song" that mixes the mellow with the criminally insane to rather worrying effect.
One thing is for certain, the true rock 'n' roll spirit lives inside John Wesley Coleman III.
Available on a split 12" vinyl from Italian label Way Out There Records with "Bacon Bear EP" by Followed By Static.